imo is an instant messaging and video calling tool, thanks to which you can stay in touch with your family and friends regardless of location, as well as quickly, easily, and for free. In addition, because this app is available for Android, iOS, Mac, and Windows operating systems, anyone can use it no matter their device.
The first and only step to set up imo is signing up in the app with your phone number. And that's all you have to do. Once you've verified your phone number, you can customize your profile by adding a profile picture and other information, then start using the app. If some of your contacts don't have the app installed, you can invite them with just a tap.
As is expected from a modern instant messaging app, imo lets you communicate one-on-one with your contacts as well as create group chats. This way, you can create anything from private groups for your family to large groups for sharing information with hundreds of people. From the app's main tab, in fact, you can take a quick look at the most popular groups of the moment.
One of the strengths of imo is how easy and convenient it makes audio and video calls. Thanks to this feature, you can see and talk to your family and friends at any time and in any place, regardless of your location. You can even create video call rooms for up to 20 people.
Other features that sometimes go unnoticed but are worth highlighting are the storage and transfer options offered by imo. This app not only offers a cloud storage service that frees up space on your device, but it also lets you send files of up to 10 GB in any conversation. You can send documents, videos, songs, or whatever else you want.
imo is an excellent messaging app for staying in touch with your favorite people, both through text messages and video calls. This is a very comprehensive app which only continues to improve with each new update.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
Frequent questions
Which is better: imo or Telegram?
imo and Telegram offer very similar features, such as instant messaging, groups, file transfers, and video calls. The main difference between the two is the maximum size permitted for file transfers: imo allows up to 10 GB and Telegram only allows 2 GB.
What is the difference between imo and imo HD?
The only difference between imo and the HD version of the app is that the latter offers HD video calls. Otherwise, the app interfaces are virtually identical.
How can I download imo?
You can download imo from its official website or from the many application stores that include it in their catalogs. All you have to do is install it and approve the installation of files from unknown sources.
How much space does imo take up?
The imo APK takes up about 60 MB, but once it's installed, the app takes up about 100 MB in total. The size will increase as you save conversations, temporary files, photos, and other files.
Very best apps
it is very nice
Thank you
A nice program
A fast application